







1. 国家建设高水平大学公派研究生项目-出国研修课题:先进的功率模块驱动侧可靠性监测方法研究,2021064200692021/10-2022/10,主持。

2. 江苏省研究生科研与实践创新计划项目:多应力下功率器件在变流器中的高可靠应用研究,KYCX21_22292021/04-2022/10,主持。

3. 国家重点研发计划课题:深井提升大功率传动控制关键技术-子课题大功率变流器多场耦合机理及调制策略研究2016YFC06009062016/07-2021/03,参与。

4. 校企合作项目:大功率变流器的研究与开发,H7C1021422018/09-2024/06,参与。


1. 论文(论著)成果

完整论文成果见ORCID网址:Qiang Wang (0000-0002-5157-8801) - ORCID

(1) Q. Wang, Y. Tian, Y. Jiang, J. Zhang, W. Zhang, and F. He, Using Redundant IGBT Device as A Temperature Sensor - Online Monitoring System of Thermal Parameters for NPC Three-level Inverters, in IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, doi: 10.1109/TIM.2024.3417603. (SCI)

(2) Q. Wang, J. Zhang, F. Iannuzzo, Y. Jiang, W. Zhang and F. He, Short-Circuit Fault Adaptive Analysis and Protection for SiC MOSFETs, in IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 4867-4881, Oct. 2023. (SCI)

(3) Q. Wang, J. Zhang, F. Iannuzzo, A. S. Bahman, W. Zhang and F. He, Improved Temperature Monitoring and Protection Method of Three-Level NPC Application Based on Half-Bridge IGBT Modules, in IEEE Access, vol. 10, pp. 35605-35619, 2022. (SCI)

(4) J. Zhang, Q. Wang, W. Zhang and G. Tan, “Voltage Division Investigation of Series Short-Circuit Fault on SiC MOSFETs and Si IGBTs,” in IET Power Electronics, vol. 16, pp. 333-345, 2023. (SCI)

(5) Y. Jiang, Q. Wang*, F. He, J. Zhang, and Z. Guo, A Generalized Discontinuous PWM Strategy for Z-Source Inverters with Switch Losses Optimization, in Journal of Power Electronics, 2024. (SCI, 通讯作者)

(6) Y. Jiang, J. Zhang, Q. Wang*, F. He and W. Zhang, A Common-Mode Voltage Reduction PWM Strategy for Three-Phase Quasi-Z-Source Inverter With Optimized Switching Losses, in IEEE Access, vol. 11, pp. 91891-91903, 2023. (SCI, 通讯作者)

(7) W. Zhang, J. Zhang, Q. Wang, Y. Jiang and G. Tan, Dual-Vector Model Predictive Control for Modular Multilevel Converter With Low Calculation Burden, in IEEE Access, vol. 12, pp. 28520-28530, 2024. (SCI)

(8) X. Zhang, G. Tan, X. Wu, Q. Wang et al., Single-Phase Three-Level PWM Rectifier Predictive Control With Fixed Switching Frequency Based on Current Convex Optimization, in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 10, pp. 12090-12101, Oct. 2021. (SCI)

(9) X. Zhang, G. Tan, T. Xia, Q. Wang and X. Wu, Optimized Switching Finite Control Set Model Predictive Control of NPC Single-Phase Three-Level Rectifiers, in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 35, no. 10, pp. 10097-10108, Oct. 2020. (SCI)

(10) W. Zhang, G. Tan, X. Zhang, Q. Wang and J. Zhang, Optimal Switching Sequence Model Predictive Control for Modular Multilevel Converter, in IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 70, no. 6, pp. 5474-5483, June 2023. (SCI)

(11) X. Zhang, G. Tan, Z. Liu, Q. Wang, W. Zhang and T. Xia, Finite Control Set Model Predictive Direct Power Control of Single-Phase Three-Level PWM Rectifier Based on Satisfactory Optimization, in IEEE Access, vol. 9, pp. 11479-11491, 2021. (SCI)

(12) X. Zhang, X. Wu, G. Tan, W. Zhang and Q. Wang, A Dual-Vector Model Predictive Control Method With Minimum Current THD, in IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, vol. 36, no. 9, pp. 9758-9762, Sept. 2021. (SCI)

(13) Q. Wang, F. Iannuzzo, J. Zhang, Y. Jiang and F. He, Improved Drain-source Voltage Detection Method for Short-circuit Protection of SiC MOSFET, 2022 IEEE International Workshop on Integrated Power Packaging (IWIPP), Grenoble, France, 2022, pp. 1-4. (EI)

(14) Q. Wang, X. Zhang, W. Zhang, X. Zhou and F. He, Fast and Accurate Temperature Estimation of Three-level IGBT Converter Based on 3-D Coupled Thermal Model, 2020 IEEE 1st China International Youth Conference on Electrical Engineering (CIYCEE), Wuhan, China, 2020, pp. 1-7. (EI, 最佳展示奖”)

(15) Q. Wang, F. He, X. Zhou, C. Geng and W. Zhang, Heat Dissipation System Modeling of Three-level Converter Considering Thermal Coupling Effects, 2019 IEEE 4th International Future Energy Electronics Conference (IFEEC), Singapore, 2019, pp. 1-8. (EI)

(16) Y. Jiang, Q. Wang, J. Zhang, F. He and W. Zhang, Modulation Strategy of Z-source Inverter Based on Asymmetric Shoot-through Vector Insertion Method, 2022 Asia Power and Electrical Technology Conference (APET), Shanghai, China, 2022, pp. 90-98. (EI)

(17) W. Zhang, G. Tan, Q. Wang and X. Zhang, A model predictive control method based on space vector modulation for MMC, 2020 IEEE 1st China International Youth Conference on Electrical Engineering (CIYCEE), Wuhan, China, 2020, pp. 1-6, doi: 10.1109/CIYCEE49808.2020.9332556. (EI)

(18) 姜翼展, 张经纬, 何凤有, 王强. 一种开关损耗优化的Z源逆变器调制策略[J]. 电工技术学报, 2023, 38(16): 4312-4323. (EI)

(19) Qiang WangFengyou He. Localization and Upgrading of Electrical Control System for The Hoist of a Typical Coal Mine in China[C]. XVIII International Forum-Contest of Students and Young Researchers, 2022. (会议论文集, 最佳研究生”)

(20) Q. Wang, F. Iannuzzo, A. S. Bahman and F. He. Multiple Temperature Monitoring and Protection Method of Three-Level NPC Application Based on Half-Bridge IGBT Modules[C]. 9th CORPE Annual Symposium - The Centre of Reliable Power Electronics (CORPE) annual symposium, 2022. (会议论文集)

(21) 王强,刘光辉,何凤有. 基于DSP 的多电极电化学测量系统设计[C].第十二届中国高校电力电子与电力传动学术年会, 2018. (会议论文集,)

(22) 黄德雷, 王强, 谭国俊. 基于开通dIDS/dtSIC MOSFET模块结温提取及实现方法研究[C].中国电工技术学会电力电子学会第十六届学术年会, 2018.(会议论文集)

2. 专利成果

(1) 发明专利. 功率半导体器件封装可靠性与动态特性批量测试电路及方法、装置,申请号:202410203476.9(排名第一)

(2) 发明专利. 基于闲置器件的NPC三电平逆变器热参数在线监测系统及方法,申请号:202310636975.2(排名第一)

(3) 发明专利. 一种兼具优化开关损耗和共模降压的Z源逆变器控制方法及装置, 申请号:202310152975.5(排名第三)

(4) 发明专利. 基于门极电荷Qg的大功率IGBT故障诊断及保护方法和装置, 专利号:201810914461.8(排名第三)

(5) 发明专利. 一种基于有源钳位反馈型的IGBT过流检测装置及方法, 专利号:201810041145.4(排名第四)

(6) 发明专利. 一种变功率因数下开关损耗优化的Z源逆变器控制方法及装置, 申请号:202310153360.4(排名第四)

(7) 发明专利. 适于多换流回路共层叠母排电路结构的IGBT过压解耦方法, 专利号:201810132142.1(排名第五)

(8) 实用新型专利. 基于门极电荷Qg的大功率IGBT故障诊断及保护装置, 专利号:201821295766.7(排名第三)




1. 202011月参加“CIYCEE 2020中国电气工程国际青年会议,获最佳展示奖

      2. 20225月参加联合国教科文组织国际矿业工程教育能力中心、俄罗斯圣彼得堡矿业大学联合举办的18届学生与青年学者国际论坛,获最佳研究生称号。

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